Tri Del Sol - myTeam Triumph


Project Overview

My wife Aaron and I have been involved with myTeam Triumph in various capacities for many years now.

Usually, she races, and I film. It’s kind of perfect, actually.

You see, myTeam Triumph is a ride-along program designed to pair able and willing athletes with handicapped children and young adults. These teams, made up of the Captain (child) and Angels (athletes) then compete in a race. Triathlon, marathon, 5k, even full distance Ironman races.

myTeam Triumph organizes teams of Captains and Angels for races all year long, around the country. Once a year, myTeam Triumph puts on their own race - Tri Del Sol.

Tri Del Sol is amazing.

Seeing these amazing kids finish a race they’d never be able to do on their own, through the hard work and dedication of the Angels is one of the most inspiring things you’ll ever see.

And I get to be along to capture it…

I film races year round for myTeam triumph as my way of giving back to an organization I love and believe in, and as a way of being involved with a sport my wife loves.

This short film was the first I put together for them, as a promotional and for them to show potential investors.

To get involved or to learn more about myTeam Triumph visit them here.

To learn more about Tri Del Sol, check out them here.

Scope of Work

  • Commercial Photography

  • Location Video

  • Video Production

  • Sound Design

  • Video Editing


Project Location

  • Middleville, Michigan

Client Info

myTeam Triumph, West Michigan Chapter

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Ryan Velting

Commercial Photographer & Filmmaker based in Grand Rapids Michigan.

Empire Stores, Brooklyn


Zombie Paintball